Maryam Nawaz, US envoy explore areas of cooperation

ISLAMABAD: United States Ambassador to Pakistan Donald Blome, in a meeting with (PML-N) Senior Vice President Maryam Nawaz, discussed the importance of cooperation in various areas, including trade, the economy, security, peace, and regional stability.

The meeting held at Murree residence of Maryam Nawaz centered around a discussion on the significance of the long-standing and historic bilateral ties between the two countries.

According to a post on handle of PML-N Vice President Maryam Nawaz on X (erstwhile Twitter) on Sunday, Ms. Sharif conveyed her gratitude to Ambassador Blome for his dedicated efforts on behalf of the United States during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic and the devastating floods that occurred last year.

Earlier, the United States and Pakistan discussed holding of timely, free and fair elections in Pakistan.

According to a press statement issued by Department of State, Acting Deputy Secretary of State and Under Secretary for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland spoke with Pakistani Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani.

“Acting Deputy Secretary Nuland congratulated Foreign Minister Jilani on his appointment. They discussed broadening and deepening the U.S.-Pakistan partnership on issues of mutual concern, including Pakistan’s economic stability, prosperity, and continued engagement with the IMF, the statement said.


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