Suicide cases

Several issues have plagued our country, but the most disĀ­heartening issue is suicide. SuiĀ­cide has become very common in Pakistan, with many people taking their own lives for various reasons such as unemployment, depresĀ­sion, family pressure, and more. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), every year more than 15,000 cases are reĀ­ported in Pakistan.

In Pakistan, there are numerous problems that compel individuals to commit suicide. However, the most significant problem in our society is unemployment. Many people have taken their own lives because they were jobless and under pressure from their famiĀ­ly members.

Just a few months ago, one of my cousins committed suicide beĀ­cause he was unemployed and sitĀ­ting at home, feeling pressured by his family. In the end, he took his own life.

Therefore, higher authorities must take immediate action to address this issue. Providing emĀ­ployment opportunities and adĀ­dressing the underlying causes of suicide are crucial.



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