APHC call for strike on martyrdom anniversary of Burhan Wani in IIOJK

SRINAGAR: The All Parties Hurriyat Conference (APHC) has called for complete shutdown in Indian illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir on July 08 (Saturday) on the 7th martyrdom anniversary of the prominent youth resistance leader, Burhan Muzaffar Wani and other martyrs who sacrificed their lives for just demand of right to self-determination since July 13,1931.

According to Kashmir Media Service, Burhan Wani along with two associates was martyred by Indian troops in a fake encounter in Kokernag area of Islamabad district on July 8, 2016. During the period of mass uprising, 156 civilian protesters were martyred and thousands injured by the troops, paramilitary and police personnel.

The APHC call has been supported by all pro-freedom leaders and orgaqnizatons.

The posters displayed by All Parties Hurriyat Conference, Nawjawanan-e-Hurriyat Jammu Kashmir, Political Resistance Movement, Jammu and Kashmir Justice League Forum, Jammu and Kashmir Sadai Mazloom, Wareseen–e-Shuhada, Democratic Youth Forum, Jammu Kashmir Democratic Movement, Jammu Kashmir Peoples Resistance Party, Kashmir Resistance Movement, Kashmir Hurriyat Forum, Youth Democratic Political Movement, Jammu and Kashmir Tehreek-e-Azadi, Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Alliance and several other pro-freedom groups in several parts of Kashmir valley urged people to observe the strike on Burhan’s anniversary.

The posters said, Burhan Wani and other Kashmiri martyrs have sacrificed their lives for a sacred cause and it is responsibility of the Kashmiri people to take their mission to its logical conclusion.

The posters urged the Kashmiri people to observe complete strike on Burhan Wani’s anniversary and also participate in the Tral Chaloo program on July 8 to express solidarity with the martyrs’ families

The posters said, the mission of Shaheed Burhan Wani and other martyrs to free their homeland from Indian clutches would be accomplished at all costs.

The posters also spread on social media including twitter, facebook and whatsapp read that the unresolved Kashmir dispute was the biggest hurdle in peace and political stability in the region so the United Nations must take solid steps for peaceful settlement of the lingering Kashmir dispute. The posters urged people to unite for resolution of Jammu and Kashmir dispute.

The parties reiterated the Kashmiris’ resolve to continue the demand for right to self-determination till realization of the resolutions of the United Nations on Kashmir.

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