
The Islamabad High Judicial recently decided to record and live-stream court proceedings. It was made clear, however, that such an option would be available only after consultation with the appropriate people. In addition, the court established an e-committee to draught guidelines for live-streaming court hearings. High Court judges, Pakistan Bar Council and Islamabad Bar Association delegates, and high court press reporters will make up the committee.

In a nutshell, the initiative in question can act as a link between the public and the judiciary, so increasing public trust, credibility, and confidence. In today’s world, the judiciary is accustomed to talking through its decisions and depending on third-party interlocutors to defend itself, such as court reporters and the media. However, it may be time to abandon this strategy in favour of a more straightforward one. For the sake of favourable publicity, transparency, and openness, it may be time for the judiciary and the public to be directly linked.



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