Post-graduation woes

Post-graduation training in the field of medical sciences comprises four to five years of fellowship mandatory for a doctor to be qualified as a consultant physician or surgeon. A fresh post-graduate candidate is enthusiastic about serving the larger humanity, but is subjected to inhuman treatment by the medical community itself.

It is a routine affair for post-graduate trainee doctors to be insulted by seniors and consultants during their training. Every post-graduate has to face questions and comments that are uncalled-for, toxic and border on outright taunts.

Despite being qualified and passionate, post-graduate trainee doctors face constant trauma, insults, anxiety, deception, frustration and much more. Practically speaking, post-graduates recede into a shell and are reluctant to take immediate and confident measures. Even those who are helpful in their own ways advise the trainees to keep a low profile and to be on the safe side; whatever it means. The noble profession of medicine clearly needs brushing up. Everyone in the medical profession needs to understand that post-graduate trainee doctors, too, are humans. It is not too hard to act accordingly.



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