Quality of health care service

Pakistan is one of the countries which is trying its very best to fulfil the objective of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). These are basically the goals that are set for the countries that are in the developing process. There has been a focus on the health care sector since the formation of Pakistan. Although the improvements are being made through bringing health reforms and health care policies. The introduced programs by previous governments are already having limited scope and that is the reason why the health care sector in Pakistan is inefficient and facing decline (Premani et al., 2016).

Major weaknesses in our health care service providers include lack of resources, poor governance, poor quality of data available regarding the management system for the health, lack of interest by governments in monitoring the health policies and high level of corruption in this sector. The bureaucratic system of Pakistan has not played a productive role as bureaucratic power has divided the health care services for rich and poor instead of dividing it with equity (Premani et al., 2016). Treatments for any health-related issues is a right for every individual rather than just providing to the elite and ignoring the middle-class individual

One of the surveys conducted by Transparency International provided that health care is one of the most corrupt sectors in Pakistan (relief web, 2013). This is one of the reasons why the majority of the population in Pakistan are very unhappy with the services being provided by the medical centres. The government-controlled health care centres are in a deep decline while the privately owned and controlled health centres are so expensive that they can not be afforded by the majority of the general public.



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