HEC announces essay competition to mark independence day

ISLAMABAD: Higher Education Commission (HEC), in collaboration with the Ministry of Planning and Development, is holding an inter-university essay writing competition in Urdu and English languages to commemorate the 75th birth anniversary of Pakistan.

The competition is aimed at sensitising the youth to analyse opportunities and challenges faced by the nation and identify their role in the development of Pakistan through critical thinking, creativity and productive engagement.

The topics in both languages are: development journey of Pakistan from 1947-2022; lessons learnt viz-a-viz other countries; and Pakistan at 2047: national youth aspirations.

The first prize winners in each category will receive a cash award of Rs500,000, second position holders Rs300,000 and Rs200,000 for those standing third. Those securing positions from fourth to tenth will receive Rs100,000 a head.

According to the agency, the candidate must be a national of Pakistan or Azad Jammu and Kashmir, a university student with an upper age limit of 25 years.

The submissions are required to be sent along with a registration form. The students can only participate in either language. The Word count should be between 2,500-3,000.

The deadline for submissions is August 26.

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