RED: Large-scale vaccination campaign

Exercise, rest, peace of mind and timely treatment are extremely helpful in living a healthy life. Health is indeed a great gift from Allah Almighty and nature has established an immune system in the human body which helps us to fight against many diseases but in today’s busy times man has forgotten to take care of his health.

Due to busyness, vaccine ambiguity and some other reasons, many people are unable to get themselves vaccinated. The vaccine is subjected to various trials before it is introduced. Only after full verification and assurance of its safety it is approved for public.

The Department of Primary and Secondary Healthcare has taken significant steps to combat the Corona epidemic. Meanwhile, the largest campaign, such as RED, Reach Every Door, was launched to provide vaccine services to the common public. Under the campaign, door-to-door vaccination is being carried out in all 36 districts of the province to meet the target of 18 million vaccinations by the end of December.

Secretary Primary and Secondary Health Imran Sikandar Baloch has played a pivotal role in making the RED campaign a success. 14,000 new vaccination centres have been set up across Punjab and more than 18,000 mobile teams have visited every neighbourhood and village in different districts. It has played its role in providing vaccination facility to the people.

All CEOs, DDHOs and other district administration staff have contributed to the success of the RED campaign. Coronavirus has so far killed more than 15,946 people in Punjab. Similarly, the proportion of vaccinators is different in all the districts of Punjab.

This was done to prevent the possible spread of the corona epidemic. The lockdown during Covid-19 has severely affected the education and economic sectors. But now vaccine is the most effective solution to prevent this damage from escalating further. All people over the age of 12 must be vaccinated. Under the RED campaign, medical authorities have been vaccinated in remote districts of the province where many residents are still suffering from the transmission of Covid 19 and are afraid to be vaccinated on the basis of ambiguity related to the vaccine.

Mobile teams have so far vaccinated more than 14 million people during the first phase of the RED campaign. Hesitation and denial of the vaccine is a gap against which the Department of Health is continuing its activities at the district level to spread awareness and make the public aware of the benefits of vaccination. Regarding this, efforts of Communication Cell, Department of Primary and Secondary Healthcare are especially commendable.

In addition to providing vaccine facilities, a one-day vaccination camp was organized at Jamia Naeemia and St. Anthony’s Church. In addition, vaccine camps were set up in Madaris, Hindu temples and Gurdwaras. It is the responsibility of the health department to keep the centres fully operational while providing door-to-door services, create harmony between the public and the teams, make the database system efficient and flawless to deal with the outbreak of fake NADRA vaccine certificates.

Health department is providing standard and absolutely free vaccines to the people, so the citizens who have not yet been vaccinated can get vaccinated against the coronavirus. The first phase of the RED vaccination campaign ended on 12th of November and now 2nd phase is ongoing which started on 1st December and will last till the end of the month. The department is doing everything in its power to make the 2nd phase of the campaign as successful as the 1st phase.

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