Fazl calls PDM summit session on April 29

Pakistan Democratic Movement (PDM) chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman has summoned a summit meeting of the alliance on April 29 in Islamabad.

According to INP, estranged allies Pakistan People’s Party (PPP) and Awami National Party (ANP) have not been invited in the PDM session.

The PDM session will give its final approval to the decisions of the steering committee, the report said.

The opposition alliance will also set its future strategy in view of the departure of the PPP and the ANP, it added.

PDM chief Maulana Fazlur Rehman earlier asked the PPP and the ANP to revisit their resignations from the alliance.

In a press conference, Fazl said both the parties still have time to reconsider their decision and contact the PDM.

He said that PDM is an alliance of the 11 opposition parties, where decisions are made with the consensus and if any party found violating the consensus, then it must be made answerable.

Both the parties had the opportunity to summon PDM meeting to give an explanation on the matter, but they decided to part ways with the alliance.

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