20th China-ASEAN Expo commences in Nanning, China

ISLAMABAD: The 20th China-ASEAN Expo commenced in Nanning, the capital of south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region on Saturday.

The expo and the China-ASEAN Business and Investment Summit will last for four days, with the aim to enhance cooperation and economic integration between China and ASEAN countries.

With the theme of “Work Together for a Harmonious Home and a Shared Future Promoting High-Quality Development of the Belt and Road and Building an Epicentrum of Growth,” the expo emphasizes the importance of mutual understanding and cooperation for the development and prosperity of the region.

China has been ASEAN’s largest trade partner for 14 consecutive years, and the two sides have been each other’s largest trade partner for three consecutive years.

Trade between China and ASEAN exceeded $970 billion in 2022, reflecting the deepening economic ties between the two sides, data from the Ministry of Commerce showed.

Through the expo, China intends to work with all parties involved to explore opportunities, meet challenges, and ramp up cooperation, according to Mao Ning, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson.

The expo will focus on implementing the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) in a high-quality manner, promoting trade and investment liberalization, enhancing regional connectivity, and building an open regional economy, said the spokesperson.


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