LHC orders immediate presentation of Elahi by prison authorities

LAHORE: The Lahore High Court (LHC) has instructed prison authorities to bring Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) president Chaudhry Pervaiz Elahi before the court.

Justice Amjad Rafiq issued these orders while hearing a petition regarding the provision of facilities to Elahi in jail. The court directed the authorities to present Elahi before the court Monday at 4:00 pm.

Earlier, on June 4, the high court had directed the jail authorities to provide facilities to Elahi in accordance with the law. This decision came during the hearing of a plea filed by Rasiq Elahi, seeking the provision of home-cooked food and other amenities to Elahi.

The court, while directing the jail superintendent to ensure the provision of necessary facilities to Elahi, disposed of the case. Currently, the former chief minister of Punjab is in jail on judicial remand in a case related to purportedly illegal appointments.

Additionally, Elahi is facing corruption charges in relation to the development fund.


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