Fleecing the public

K-ELECTRIC (KE) should have been conducting its affairs as a service-oriented company, but it has turned into a profit-oriented entity. The main focus of KE is enhancing the quantum of its earnings by fair means or foul. There is not an iota of doubt that the KE management enjoys immunity and does not seem to be accountable to anybody.

Recently, I was billed a hefty amount of Rs32,552, which I paid after seeking loans from some friends and relatives. I wonder how I will pay the bills in the future. It seems the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra) has no role and is there for nothing but to protect and give a legal cover to the wrongdoings of KE to which the helpless consumers fall victim in the shape of exaggerated bills each month. Besides, consumers face breakdowns as well as scheduled and unscheduled periods of loadshedding.

People belonging to the middle and lower middle class have been left at the mercy of KE. The caretaker government should look into the financial woes being faced by the masses and take urgent measures to redress their grievances.



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