People won’t vote for PTI in next elections, claims Bilawal

PPP Chairman Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari has claimed that Prime Minister Imran Khan has formed the government in Centre for the “first and last time”, saying the people will not vote for the latter’s party in the upcoming general elections.

Addressing the party workers in Tando Allahyar district of Sindh on Saturday, Bilawal said people’s rights are always being usurped whenever “selected’ and undemocratic government come into power”.

“Unemployment, inflation and poverty have increased since the PTI government held the reign of power. From day one, the poor people of this country have been the target of this government,” he added.

The PPP chairman said the unprecedented increase had been witnessed in the poverty and unemployment during the PTI government “that has never happened in the past”.

“The selected government is attacking the people from all sides, the democratic rights and employment of the people are being robbed and the incumbent rulers have resorted to economic murder of the people.”

Bilawal also urged his supporters to struggle against the “incompetent government”, saying people are aware of their rights and they know how to get them.

“The people have struggled against not one but many dictators…only the PPP can run an effective movement against the PTI government to oust it and bring people’s government,” he said.

Earlier in the day, Information Minister Fawad Chaudhry lashed out at the PPP-led government, saying that it has failed to provide basic health facilities to the people of the province.

“The PPP government cannot even give health cards to the masses as the PTI government provided in other provinces.”

Fawad said the Sindh government blame Centre for interfering in the provincial affairs “if we ask them about the development budget”.

The federal minister also expressed hope that the PPP will not be able to form government in Sindh after the upcoming elections. “The PTI will form the next government in Sindh.”

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