SCO trade ministers moot

Preparatory meetings have been positive

The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) is an important, active representative regional body. The SCO  is a Eurasian political , economic, international security and defence organization which was established   by China and Russia in 2001.  It is the world’s largest regional organization in terms of geographic  scope and population, covering approximately  as much as 80 percent of the area of Eurasia and 40 percent  of the  population As of 2023, its combined Gross Domestic Product was around 32 percent of the world’s total.

All eyes as such are now on the SCO Summit to be held in the Convention Center  in Islamabad  on October 15 and 16 which will be participated by a number of top leaders from PSO member countries

The SCO is the successor to the Shanghai Five which was formed  in 1996  between  the Peoples’ Republic of China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan , Russia and Tajikistan.In June  2001,  the leaders of these  countries and  Uzbekistan  met in Shanghai to announced a new organization  with deeper  political and and economic cooperation. In June 2017,  It was expanded to eight states, with India and Pakistan. Iran joined the group \in  July 2023, followed by  Belarus one year later in 2024.A number of countries are engaged  as observer or dialogue partners.The SCO is governed by the Heads of  State Council which is its supreme  decision-making body and meets once a year.

Without  going into further details, it may be mentioned here that Pakistan is going to host SCO Summit on October 15 and 16, for which brisk preparations were being made by all official quarters concerned in Islamabad.

Prior to the SCO  Summit next month, two related meetings have also been held in Islamabad. The 47th meeting of the Commission of Senior Officials  of SCO member states and 23rd meeting of the SCO member states ministers responsible for foreign, economic and trade activities.

Pakistan hosted the 23rd meeting of the SCO member states  ministers responsible for foreign, economic and trade activities  in its capacity as the Chair of the SCO Council  of Heads of Governments, the second  highest  forum of the organization.

Welcoming the delegates from PSCO member states on the occasion, Commerce Minister  Jam Kamal Khan availed the opportunity to reiterate yet another time  Pakistan’s firm commitment to the laudable  aims and objectives of the SCO for promoting  peace and prosperity in the region. While acknowledging  the global economic challenges facing the region, he emphasized the vital role which the SCO can play in addressing  these issues  through cooperation and constructive mutual engagement. The gathering was emphatically conveyed  Pakistan’s strong commitment and willingness to contribute  to and collaborate  with all SCO member states to achieve the shared  goals.He urged the gathering  to seize the opportunity and forge  stronger partnerships, enhancing  regional cooperation and paving the  way  for a brighter and  more prosperous  future for all the peoples of the region.

The SCO Ministers  in their national statements on the occasion  deliberated in detail and shared their views on the prospects  and measures   to further deepen  the  economic and  trade cooperation among the SCO countries.

After due deliberations, the SCO Member states decided to establish  a Database for Economic  Preferences for the SCO which will  act as  a comprehensive  resource for the member states  to access the information  on  economic incentives and preferences within the bloc fostering a  more cohesive   business environment.

Availing the opportunity of presence of SCO Ministers in Islamabad,  the Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FPCCI) hosted a two-day “Business and Investment Conference.” on the sidelines of the  SCO ministerial moot. During the deliberations,  speakers highlighted the immense potential which existed among the SCO countries  for initiating and launching  joint ventures in multiple sectors  for mutual benefit .

It is quite appreciable and worth  highlighting here that Pakistan is not only  attending and participating   in the international conferences and moots around the world but also  hosting important gatherings from time to time such as the upcoming SCO Summit.

Such interactions with friendly countries’ top leadership and ministers go a long way in promoting and strengthening  relations with friendly countries and go a long way in increasing the cooperation in different sectors for mutual benefit.

All eyes as such are now on the SCO Summit to be held in the Convention Center  in Islamabad  on October 15 and 16 which will be participated by a number of top leaders from PSO member countries.

Muhammad Zahid Rifat
Muhammad Zahid Rifat
The writer is Lahore-based Freelance Journalist, Columnist and retired Deputy Controller (News) , Radio Pakistan, Islamabad and can be reached at [email protected]


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