US to support Pakistani police to enhance its capabilities: Andrew Schofer

ISLAMABAD: The US Deputy Chief of Mission (CoM) Andrew Schofer said that the US will continue to extend full support to increase capabilities and number of female officers of police department

He expressed these views while addressing the participants of a seminar organized by the United States Institute of Peace titled “Police Awaam Saath Saath” that concluded in Islamabad on Monday.

He said the United States Institute of Peace, and the US Embassy has an extraordinary partnership with Pakistan and has made significant progress towards a more inclusive police force that elevates female police officers across the country.

The US Deputy Chief of Mission said with the support of law enforcement agencies and United States Institute of Peace, we have seen an impressive increase of more than 20 percent in female police representation in Balochistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Police over the past three years.

Speaking on the occasion, Member Governance Innovative and Research Planning Commission of Pakistan, Dr. Adnan Rafiq underscored the need of women empowerment and emancipation for development of the country.


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