With e-voting all contestants will accept the results, PM Imran Khan says

ISLAMABAD: With Pakistani-made electronic voting machines in place, Prime Minister Imran Khan said Sunday finally there will be an election whose results will be accepted across the board.

Congratulating the federal science minister Shibli Faraz on Pakistani-made electronic voting machine, he said, “Looks like finally we will have elections in Pakistan where all contestants will accept the results.”

The PM said it while inspecting the voting machine presented to him by the science ministry.

Yesterday, PM Imran Khan witnessed a detailed demonstration of a new locally-made electronic voting machine.

Federal minister Faraz, along with the officials of his ministry, gave a detailed briefing to the premier about the working of this locally produced EVM.

Shibli Faraz said there is no need for internet connectivity for the EVMs, and the software used is in the machine is of international standard, he added.

On the occasion, PM Imran Khan witnessed a detailed demonstration of the EVM and also cast his vote. The premier also congratulated Shibli Faraz and his team for producing such EVMs.

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