Soaring cases of stunted growth in Pakistan

Stunting refers to the stagnation of mental and physical growth due to malnutrition, and entails deficiency of nutrients that are necessary for full-scale growth. Unfortunately, the rate of stunting is quite high in Pakistan. It is estimated that 38 per cent children are malnourished. A large segment of population is at the risk of malnutrition because of insufficient and low-nutrition food.

Almost 60pc population of the country is young, scores of cases related to stunted growth and malnutrition are reported daily, particularly among children who are more prone to such afflictions.

According to a research, four out of 10 children in the country are underweight. The condition poses serious health issues, such as functional disability, poor mental health, improper physical growth, fragile skin, and debility with weak immune system.

To counter the issue, federal and provincial governments must initiate poverty alleviation programmes to save our children. Besides, awareness campaigns should be conducted regularly to educate people about the detrimental impact of malnutrition on children’s mental and physical health.



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