Salute to nurses

Nursing is a noble profession which requires strong commitment, sense of immolation, for humanity and a great deal of tolerance. A nurse is a person whose job is to care the sick and injured people in a hospital. It is observed that both male and female work as professional nurses but females are in the majority.

The profession is more suitability for females since they are more sensitive, caring and tolerance. Nursing is an old sacred profession. Its history is as ancient as that human civilization. The role of a nurse has always been prominent, sometimes as a great nurse”Florence Nightingale” who was known as a lady with the lamp and sometimes as Mother Teresa who devoted her whole life in this holy profession and got the Nobel Prize for her services. Today a nurse gets proper education and taining before entering into this profession. During her training, she has taught how to give medicines and food to patients; how to know about their problems and how to serve them in the best possible ways. She has to be very punctual and active in her work. A nurse is a link between a doctor and a patient. She tells the condition of the patients to doctors and take adivces from them and serve medicines to patients. In this manner, her role becomes central in hospital. Nurses playba vital role in time of war. They not only serve the wounder soldiers but also look after the wounded civilians during wars. They look after and provide aids to the injures. Sometimes they ought to perform their duties in extreme hot and cold seasons. A nurse earns her living in a respectable manner. As the population is increasing rapidly, we do need nurses in larger number. For this, better and more nursing educational institutions need to be set up. They should be taught the best ways and techniques to our nurses for looking after patients and the suffering population.

Fatima Fazal


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