China, Gabon observe 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties

BEIJING: Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday exchanged congratulatory messages with Gabonese Transitional President Brice Oligui Nguema to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of bilateral diplomatic relations.

In his message, Xi said that the traditional friendship between China and Gabon has grown stronger over time.

Over the past 50 years, despite changes in the international situation, the two countries have always treated each other as equals and with mutual support, Xi said, adding that bilateral relations have been constantly upgraded, which has brought tangible benefits to the two peoples.

Attaching great importance to the development of China-Gabon relations, Xi said he stands ready to work with Nguema, taking the 50th anniversary of the two countries’ diplomatic relations as a new starting point, to carry forward the traditional friendship between China and Gabon, deepen bilateral practical cooperation, enrich the connotation of the China-Gabon comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, and jointly build a high-level China-Africa community with a shared future.

Nguema said that ever since Gabon and China established diplomatic ties 50 years ago, the two countries have always treated each other with mutual trust and sincerity, with bilateral relations embracing steady development and mutually beneficial cooperation across economic, social, military and other spheres, yielding fruitful results.

Gabon firmly adheres to the one-China principle, and regards Taiwan as an inalienable part of China, he said.

Gabon is willing to work with China to promote the continuous consolidation and development of the Gabon-China comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership, so as to bring benefits to the two peoples, he added.

Gabon-China win-win cooperation benefits two peoples, says Gabonese FM

Since establishing diplomatic relations, Gabon and China have achieved win-win cooperation across various fields, with results beneficial to both peoples, Gabonese Foreign Minister Regis Onanga Ndiaye said Friday.

Onanga made the remarks at a seminar marking the 50th anniversary of bilateral diplomatic relations. More than 150 representatives attended the seminar, including Zhu Xiaole, charge d’affaires ad interim of the Chinese Embassy in Gabon, Gabonese Minister of Media and Communication Laurence Ndong, and Minister of Water and Forests Maurice Ntossui Allogo.

Since the establishment of diplomatic ties, Gabon-China relations have been rich and dynamic, said Onanga, highlighting the decision of the two heads of state to elevate the relationship to that of a comprehensive strategic cooperative partnership last year.

“The Gabonese government welcomes this level of cooperation with China, which in recent years has become one of the major players in the economic development of African countries,” said Onanga, calling on both countries to reaffirm the South-South partnership for shared prosperity.

Delivering his speech at the event, Zhu noted the two economies are highly complementary, and China has been Gabon’s largest trading partner for 11 consecutive years since 2013.

Many Chinese companies have invested in various sectors in Gabon, creating jobs and boosting local economic and social development, Zhu added.

The Gabonese Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Chinese Embassy in Gabon jointly organized the seminar themed “Comprehensive Strategic Cooperative Partnership between China and Gabon: Opportunities and Prospects.”


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