Rasheed indicates PM, cabinet members may come under radar soon

RAWALPINDI: Awami Muslim League chief Sheikh Rasheed has said the court order has been violated and disobedience and contempt of court have been indicated due to which Shehbaz Sharif and cabinet members may come under the radar.

In his tweet messages on Thursday he said the match of the last five overs of the rule of law and constitution is starting from Friday.

The AML leader further said Justice Ejaz Afzal has released the tickers of volume 10 and that is soon going to be on sale in the streets. The last five overs match regarding supremacy of law will be starting from Friday.

The former federal minister said only the cabinet of Pakistan can dare to refuse the court decision as incompetent people are making laws. Since 12 days the cabinet is sitting every day as if free meals are being distributed in Data Darbar. They have money for everything but not for elections. The poor have no money even for burial [arrangements] and the Prime Minister has opened a flour shop.

Sheikh Rashid said the grip of constitution and law are very strict. Nawaz Sharif will not come to Pakistan and will return [directly] to London because Shahbaz Sharif could not fulfill his wishes.

The former interior minister stated that IMF is stuck on [the issue of] $1 billion of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is hoped that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman will also suggest them to be on the right path as the wait is about to end.

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