How EU Gaza policies shape Europe-Israel ties

EU faces huge challenges

The stance of the European Union (EU) on Gaza significantly influences the dynamics of Europe’s ties with Israel. This relationship, steeped in historical complexities and the pressing challenges of the present, encompasses a broad spectrum of political, ethical, and humanitarian considerations. The EU’s policies towards Gaza, marked by calls for respect for international humanitarian law and the pursuit of a Palestinian state, have become focal points of contention, revealing deeper undercurrents of disagreement within the EU itself and in its relations with the Netanyahu government. These policies reflect the EU’s struggle to balance its political and moral stances with its broader foreign policy objectives, making the EU-Gaza-Israel triangle a critical area of study for understanding the broader geopolitical shifts impacting the Middle East and beyond.

Background of EU-Israel Relations

Historical Ties: The relationship has been shaped by a complex history of economic and political ties, starting in 1959 when diplomatic relations were first established. A significant milestone was the signing of the first free trade area agreement in 1975. The Essen Council in 1994 marked the EU’s intent to forge special relations, further solidified by the Barcelona process in 1995 and the Union for the Mediterranean in 2008. These multilateral efforts were accompanied by bilateral agreements, notably the Association Agreement of 2000, fostering economic, cultural, and political cooperation.

Current Diplomatic Stance: In recent years, the dynamics of the EU-Israel relationship have been influenced by differing views on key issues such as the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. While the EU has consistently supported the establishment of a Palestinian state based on the 1967 borders, it has also faced internal divisions on how to approach Israeli settlements and other contentious issues. The EU’s stance is often seen as more critical than the USA’s, especially concerning human rights and international law, which has sometimes led to tensions. Recent developments have seen some EU member states recognizing Palestine, prompting critical responses from Israel and highlighting the ongoing challenges in balancing diplomatic relations.

EU’s Position on Gaza: The EU has been actively involved in addressing the conflict. The EU’s stance is characterized by a dual approach: supporting Israel’s security needs while advocating for the rights of Palestinians and pushing for a peaceful resolution. The EU has condemned the rocket attacks from Gaza and urged Hamas to cease such activities. Concurrently, it has criticized Israel’s military responses, particularly the disproportionate impact on civilian populations and infrastructure. This position underscores the EU’s broader commitment to a two-state solution, aiming for coexistence between a viable, independent Palestinian state and Israel.

Humanitarian Aid and Sanctions: Since 2000, the EU has provided over €1.1 billion in humanitarian assistance, supporting vital services like healthcare, education, and infrastructure through agencies like UNRWA. In response to escalating conflicts, the EU has mobilized significant additional funds and resources. For example, in 2024, the EU allocated over €193 million to aid Palestinians, reflecting an increase following the crisis events of October 7.

Moreover, the EU has implemented targeted sanctions against individuals and entities associated with Hamas, which it recognizes as a terrorist organization. These measures include asset freezes and travel bans aimed at curtailing the operational capabilities of Hamas and reducing its political and financial support.

The EU also emphasizes the importance of legal and humanitarian principles, advocating for the respect of international humanitarian law and condemning actions such as the illegal destruction of Palestinian homes and the forcible displacement of populations. These actions align with the EU’s broader diplomatic efforts and its role in international coalitions like the Middle East Quartet, which seeks to revive peace negotiations based on mutual respect and recognition of sovereignty.

Diverging Opinions Among EU Members

Pro-Israel Factions: The European Union’s member states display varying degrees of support for Israel, influenced by historical, political, and cultural factors. Notably, Hungary stands out by consistently opposing collective EU actions perceived as unfavourable to Israel. Hungary was the sole EU member to object to a joint declaration that called for Israel to refrain from attacking Gaza, highlighting its unique stance within the EU. Similarly, Germany has demonstrated unwavering support for Israel. Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been vocal in his backing, emphasizing Germany’s historical responsibility towards Israel. This support extends to high-level visits and the provision of military and medical aid, reinforcing Germany’s commitment to Israel’s security.

The EU’s approach to the Gaza conflict and its dealings with Israel reveal not only the internal divisions within it but also its international challenges. The criticisms from the Global South and the ensuing damage to the EU’s reputation underpin the complex interplay between domestic politics, international diplomacy, and human rights advocacy. 

Pro-Palestine Factions: Conversely, several EU countries advocate strongly for Palestinian rights, often driven by domestic political dynamics and historical contexts. Ireland, with its own history of colonial struggle, aligns closely with Palestine, advocating for its statehood and criticizing Israel’s military actions. Spain, too, has shown increasing support for Palestine, influenced by its internal political shifts and the inclusion of parties sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. Both nations have recognized the state of Palestine unilaterally, reflecting a strong pro-Palestinian stance within their foreign policies. These positions are further solidified by public demonstrations and political actions that favour Palestinian statehood and criticize Israeli policies.

Neutral Stances: The United Kingdom exemplifies a more neutral stance, balancing humanitarian support for Gaza with military backing for Israel. This dual approach underscores the complex nature of EU member states’ positions, where diplomatic and domestic pressures necessitate a nuanced handling of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The UK’s efforts to support both sides reflect a broader trend of cautious engagement by some EU countries, aiming to maintain balanced relations in the Middle East while addressing the humanitarian aspects of the conflict.

Overall, the diverging opinions among EU member states on the Israel-Palestine issue underscore the challenges in forming a unified EU foreign policy stance. These differences affect the EU’s ability to effectively engage in the Middle East and influence the dynamics of international relations concerning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Impact on International Relations

Reactions from the Global South: The EU’s policies in Gaza have elicited strong reactions from countries in the Global South, highlighting a perceived inconsistency in the EU’s application of international law. Accusations of double standards have been prominent, especially in comparison to Europe’s response to other international crises, such as the Russian invasion of Ukraine. This disparity has been criticized by governments and analysts alike, with many in the Global South viewing the EU’s stance on Gaza as undermining its credibility on global human rights and international law.

Furthermore, the EU’s delayed and cautious approach to the Gaza conflict has led to significant damage to its reputation among pro-democracy and human rights activists in these regions. These activists, who are often seen as partners in the promotion of democratic values, have expressed disillusionment with the EU’s policies. The slow response to the humanitarian crisis in Gaza, coupled with the high civilian casualties, has been particularly troubling for these communities.

Implications for EU’s Global Role: The EU’s handling of the Gaza situation has broader implications for its role on the international stage. The criticism from the Global South has not only affected the EU’s moral authority but has also impacted its soft power and its ability to act as a leader in international diplomacy. The EU’s image as a champion of a rules-based international order and of human rights has been challenged, affecting its relationships with countries that are increasingly questioning the West’s commitment to these values.

Moreover, the situation in Gaza has influenced the EU’s diplomatic engagements beyond the immediate region. For instance, the stance of the EU and its member states on Gaza is being closely watched by other international actors, including those in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The perception of double standards, particularly in relation to other geopolitical conflicts, has the potential to reshape alliances and affect the EU’s strategic interests globally.

In response to these challenges, the EU may need to reconsider its approach to international diplomacy, particularly in how it balances its strategic interests with its stated commitment to upholding international law and human rights. This could involve a more consistent and transparent application of its principles across all areas of foreign policy, which may help restore its credibility and strengthen its role as a global leader.

We have outlined the intricate dynamics that govern the EU-Israel relationship, with a focus on EU policies toward Gaza. The historical and contemporary contexts presented brings to light the delicate balance the EU seeks to maintain between supporting Israel’s security needs and advocating for Palestinian rights, against the backdrop of striving for peace and upholding international law.

The EU’s approach to the Gaza conflict and its dealings with Israel reveal not only the internal divisions within it but also its international challenges. The criticisms from the Global South and the ensuing damage to the EU’s reputation underpin the complex interplay between domestic politics, international diplomacy, and human rights advocacy. Moving forward, the EU might need to reassess its strategies and approaches to navigate these challenges more effectively. It is crucial for the EU to find a coherent and unified stance that not only addresses the immediate needs of the involved parties but also aligns with its broader values and objectives on the global stage, paving the way for a more stable and just international order.

Syed Nauman Ali Gilani
Syed Nauman Ali Gilani
The writer is a freelance columnist


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