GIZ, KP-TEVTA arrange training on disaster risk reduction for govt officials

PESHAWAR: The KP-TEVTA with the support of TVET Sector Support Programme, funded by European Union, Government of Norway and Federal Republic of Germany through Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) on Tuesday organized a week-long training Programme on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) for government officials.

The training was attended by 80 government officials from different flood affected districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. The participant from diverse background such as officials from PDMA, District Administration, TMAs, health, education and KP-TEVTA participated in the training.

According to the Global Climate Index Report 2021, Pakistan is in the list of top 10 most effected countries by extreme disasters and KP is the most vulnerable to disasters due to its geographical location and climate.

Therefore, the training on DRR was a need of the moment as the province had suffered huge losses in terms of human lives, livestock and agriculture due the recent flooding of 2022.

The aim of this training was to enable officials in switching the paradigm from reactive approach to pro-active approach in order to mitigate the risk before disaster occurrence. Also, to disseminate information and abilities regarding the methods and instruments utilized for selection, preparation, and assessment as well as their execution, supervision, and evaluation for DRR.

The participants were apprised on the mitigating measures that can be adopted to avoid the extend of such disasters. Moreover, techniques pertaining to pre, during and post disasters reduction were highlighted during the training in the large interest of the public.

On the last day of training, The certificate distribution ceremony was graced by Mr Sharif Hussain, Director General PDMA, Tahir Khan, Regional Coordinator TVET SSP, Director M&E and Audit KP-TEVTA and Director Academic, KP-TEVTA.

The DG PDMA lauded the design of training and appreciated the selection of resources persons. He thanked GIZ TVET SSP and KP-TEVTA for arranging this important training. He further urged the training participants for the utilization of the acquired knowledge during the training.

At the end of the training, The DG PDMA distributed certificates among the participants.

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