Social fitness

The famed Harvard Study of Adult Development is one of the longest studies of adult life that has been tracking the lives of 268 Harvard graduates since 1938. The study has revealed some eye-opening insights into what facilitates a happy and healthy life. It turns out that the secret to a good, happy life might be right in our own backyards.

The study shows that it is not wealth, fame or high social status that makes us happy, but rather the close relationships we form with family and friends. These relationships are like a warm coat on a cold day, protecting us from life’s hardships and helping us age gracefully.

One of the most striking findings of the study is that loneliness can be as harmful to the health of human beings as, say, smoking or heavy drinking. It is like carrying a heavy load all by ourselves. On the other hand, people who are more connected to others tend to be happier, physically healthier, and live longer than those who are less well connected.

The Harvard study also emphasises the importance of social fitness, which is like keeping our relationships in shape. Just as we might go for a run to keep our body healthy, we need to invest time and effort into our relationships to keep them strong.

Interestingly, the study found that the quality of our relationships is more important. It is not about having a large number of friends, but about having deep and meaningful connections. These quality relationships act as a buffer against the arrows of life’s misfortunes.

The Harvard study teaches us a vital lesson; to weave a rich tapestry of life, and to tend to our relationships becasue it is a wonderful form of self-care.

Let us keep our doors open and hearths warm for the people who matter the most to us. After all, a joy shared is a joy doubled.



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